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Cookie Policy

A cookie policy is at the heart of compliance with most major data privacy legislations in the world – while some laws require end-user consent and others opt-out options for visitors, almost all require your website to keep an updated account of all cookies and trackers, and to make this available to end-users visiting your domain.
Data privacy is also one of the fastest expanding fields of consumer demand – end-users want transparency into and control of how their data is handled when visiting your website, and consumers are increasingly ready to do business elsewhere if their data privacy is disrespected.

Why is a cookie policy required?

A cookie policy is a list of all the cookies in use on your website with detailed information about each tracker made available for end-users to provide them with insights into how their personal data is being processed when visiting your domain.

What website’s cookie policy should contain

website’s cookie policy must contain the following information –
  • The different types and categories of cookies in use.
  • The duration of each cookie and tracker (how long they remain active on end-user browsers).
  • The categories of personal data/information that each cookie collects and processes.
  • The purpose of each cookie (whether it’s for necessary functionality, statistics, marketing, etc.).
  • The third parties that each cookie share personal data with.
  • The countries/regions that each cookie sends personal data to.
  • Information about how end-users can give their consent to your website’s cookies, i.e. how they can .
  • accept or reject cookies, and how they can check and change their consent status.

What should a cookie policy contain?

A common requirement in most of the world’s data privacy legislations is for a cookie policy to include details about what kinds of data are processed, their duration on users’ browsers, their provider and purpose of use, as well as where in the world data is sent to and with whom it is shared.
We reserve the right to terminate or modify the Demo Website in whole or in part, in any manner in our sole discretion, without notice. We will not be liable if, for any reason, all or any part of the Demo Website is unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to all or part of the Demo Website to a subset of permitted users. You are solely responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to access the Demo Website.

Does every website need a cookie policy?

A cookie policy is required by most data privacy legislations in the world, just as the EU’s GDPR, California’s CCPA/CPRA, Brazil’s LGPD, South Africa’s POPIA, but also in New Zealand, Australia and many other regions and countries of the world.


We use cookies on our website. Cookies files are downloaded to a device when certain websites are accessed by users, allowing the website to identify that user on subsequent visits.

Cookie policy, a summary

The most core and common requirement across most data privacy laws in the world is the cookie policy – a legal and technical list documenting all tracking technologies in use on your website.

With an expansion of data privacy legislations across the world and an increasing consumer demand for transparency and control of personal data processing, your website can’t afford to ignore its cookie policy.